GDC Vault Book Club

Every year at the Game Developers Conference, game developers vow to catch up on all the dozens of talks that they missed by watching them on the GDC Vault website. But they never do, because they get busy, they forget, and then they don’t think about it again until next GDC. Well, not this year! To keep ourselves honest, a few of us have started a little GDC Vault Book Club (vault club?) where we agree to watch at least one GDC talk per week.

This book club exists on the IGDA Student SIG Discord Server. The proper channel to discuss the book club is: Event Channels > #gdc-vault-book-club.

Basic Instructions

Every week will have the same routine: first we’ll vote on which talk to watch, then we’ll have the rest of the week to watch the talk at our own pace and talk about it in the #gdc-vault-book-club channel.

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GDC 2018 Roundtable: Better Game Developer Clubs: Improving Student Orgs

The IGDA Student SIG hosted a roundtable session at GDC 2018 called Better Game Developer Clubs: Improving Student Orgs Roundtable. Roundtable sessions aren’t recorded, but this article is a summary of our discussion, thanks to notes taken by Zoram Mercado. This isn’t an outline of the conversation as it played out, rather it’s a loosely organized list of suggestions that were brought up.

In this article “clubs” refer to student-run organizations in higher-education (colleges and universities). This also includes IGDA academic chapters, which are clubs that have become officially affiliated with the IGDA. If you want to affiliate an existing or new club with the IGDA, please click here.

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AMA #16: Chris Christodoulou, Composer

Chris makes music and lives in Greece. Here’s how he describes himself:

“Award-pending composer of Risk of Rain and a bunch of other titles you haven’t heard of. Eater of dead trees. Audiophile debunker. Favorite software: music theory.”

This is a recording of an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session with Chris Christodoulou, hosted by the IGDA Student SIG. If you’re interested in doing an AMA with students, you can sign up here.

Roundtable: Tips for Attending GDC 2018

[This is a transcript of our most recent roundtable event.]

[Transcriptor’s Note: I’ve edited the transcript of the audio for readability and flow purposes. It captures the spirit of the roundtable but not the letter of it.]

Livio: I was thinking of starting with a general introduction of what GDC is and why it’s important and all that.

Rory: That’s good. I like that. Go.

Livio: So… for people wondering. Why is GDC such a big deal? So GDC is the game developers conference. They host multiple throughout the year. But the one this month is the flagship, main conference. The other ones that they hold, I believe there’s GDC Europe, GDC China… they often do topical ones. They had GDC Play back when mobile was really big. Yeah.

But GDC, the main one, is in San Francisco in the US. It’s a really big conference. It’s definitely the biggest professional conference I’ve ever seen or been to. I don’t know how SIGGRAPHcompares. There might be bigger ones.

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[Event] AMA #16: Chris Christodoulou, Composer

Chris makes music and lives in Greece. Here’s how he describes himself:

“Award-pending composer of Risk of Rain and a bunch of other titles you haven’t heard of. Eater of dead trees. Audiophile debunker. Favorite software: music theory.”

Location: The IGDA Student SIG Discord Server, on the #ask-me-anything channel for text, and the 🔊AMA-Voice channel for voice chat.

Date & Time: Monday, March 12th at 10:00am PST (7:00pm EET), and the event will last for one hour. [It’s daylight savings season, so be mindful of that!]

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[Event] Roundtable: GDC Tips

We’re only a few weeks away from the 2018 Game Developers Conference. Many students who are attending GDC for the first time have questions about how to get the most out of the week, how to best network with people, and how to potentially find work.

If you’ve been to GDC before, this is your chance to share your knowledge and experience with others. This event is a discussion for both students and professionals who want to trade their best GDC tips and also learn a few things.

Location: We’ll be hosting this roundtable on our Discord server on the voice chat channel called “Virtual Roundtables.” If you don’t have a mic or headset, you can still interact over text chat on the text-based channel “#roundtables.”

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 6th, at 6:00pm PST. The event will last 90 minutes. Feel free to arrive late or leave early.

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[Event] AMA #15: Joakim “konjak” Sandberg, Indie Developer

Joakim is a Swedish indie game developer. He’s the creator of Noitu LoveLegend of Princess,and most recently Iconoclasts, the game development side having always been solo. Follow him on Twitter

Location: The IGDA Student SIG Discord Server, on the #ask-me-anything channel for text, and the 🔊AMA-Voice channel for voice chat.

Date & Time: Thursday, February 13th at 6:00am CET, and the event will last for one hour.

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AMA #14: Raphael Azcueta, Sole Developer at LUNARSIGNALS

Raphael is an indie developer working out of Milwaukee, WI. He’s currently working on hist first professional game The Moon Fields. Follow him on Twitter.

This is a recording of an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session with Raphael Azcueta, hosted by the IGDA Student SIG. If you’re interested in doing an AMA with students, you can sign up here.

[Event] AMA #14: Raphael Azcueta, Sole Developer at LUNARSIGNALS

Raphael is an indie developer working out of Milwaukee, WI. He’s currently working on hist first professional game The Moon Fields. Follow him on Twitter

Location: The IGDA Student SIG Discord Server, on the #ask-me-anything channel for text, and the 🔊AMA-Voice channel for voice chat.

Date & Time: Monday, February 12th at 10:00am PST, and the event will last for one hour.

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